Genie IT Solutions is an agile IT company that offers consulting, software development and website development. We focus on professionalism in our work and we try to work with our customers to get the best return on their investment. We have so much faith in ourselves that we guarantee our customers that they will be pleased with our efforts.
We specialize in software development in all its phases based on an agile approach to development. We offer products based on open software technology and thoroughly tested designs and ideas. We can also provide guidance and partnership in your IT life by providing personal contact, follow-up, high availability, secure, proven solutions.
We are involved in many different projects in various countries, with different languages and character sets such as Iraq where we develop applications supporting Arabic and Kurdish and English. Software developed in such environments requires high competence to be able to function optimally. This has required that we develop a solid network of expertise in and outside of Norway where our base is. We have therefore established a good network of partners that we use when needed. Our partners must meet a set of quality standards and carry out a test project before we can incorporate them into our work.
With us you can rest assured that we implement what we pledge to and that you will get the best return on your investment and will be very happy with the result.
Please contact us if you need more information or just want to discuss how we can help you with your IT needs